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Managerial Communications for Healthcare Office Managers

Get a certificate by completing the program.
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Are you losing sleep over concerns about employee retention, patient satisfaction, or interactions with physicians? Join our webinar series hosted by Jennifer Furlong, communications expert, and Lauren Coates, healthcare strategist to learn about the importance of transparent communication to address interpersonal peer interactions, managerial issues, physician-related challenges, and how these factors can potentially impact your patients. You'll acquire valuable insights on how to fortify teamwork, facilitate efficient problem-solving, and elevate the overall experiences of both your employees and patients. Those who complete all 6 modules and pass all 6 quizzes will receive a Certificate in Managerial Communications electronically. A physical copy of the certificate is available for an additional fee.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





Group Discussion

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Healthcare Office Managers

Healthcare Office Managers

Private3 Members


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